Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever puppies with exceptional temperament and physical health are sourced from proven quality breeders.
Puppy Raising
Volunteer puppy raisers care for and train puppies for approximately 12 months, providing social opportunities and a happy home environment.
Advanced Skills Training
Living with an ASDOG trainer, dogs participate in a 12 month advanced training program of intensive obedience, skilled tasks and public access training.
Team Training
The recipient-assistance dog tuition and bonding period focuses on the training techniques and canine care needed to maintain a happy, effective working team.
Proficient working partnerships have public access accreditation with dogs performing required tasks in any public or private environment.
After years of devoted service and companionship, assistance dogs are respectfully given the opportunity to lead a quieter lifestyle.
Occasionally puppies don’t meet the high standards required to fulfill an assistance dog role. ASDOG is most grateful to the special families who adopt them.