Collection boxes
ASDOG has collection boxes located in select business premises throughout the community. You can pledge your support by placing a donation in these boxes, or you can get your workplace involved by hosting a collection box of your own. It’s a simple and invaluable way of supporting ASDOG.
Workplace Fundraising and Team Building
Fundraising activities at work are a great way to involve your colleagues, department or the whole organisation in making a difference to the lives of people with physical disability. Morning tea and lunch time activities, with a gold coin donation, are a popular way for workplaces to support ASDOG’s essential community services.
Hold a fundraising event on behalf of ASDOG
ASDOG guest speakers with their puppies or assistance dogs frequently attend events in the Sydney metropolitan area. Whether collecting gold coin donations or holding a dedicated fund raising event for ASDOG, our puppy or assistance dog demonstrations will endeavour to enhance your efforts!