Your donation allows ASDOG to provide its fully accredited assistance dogs free of charge to people with physical disabilities. With each dog costing an average of $20,000 to progress through its two year puppy raising, advanced training and recipient training programs, your assistance is gratefully appreciated and will make a valuable contribution to the increased independence and safety of a recipient – assistance dog team.
Monetary donation
With no government funding, cash donations form the foundation of our organisation and make it possible for us to continue our services for people with disabilities.
Creative giving
Gifts-in-kind are an invaluable and generous way you can support ASDOG. Pledge the gift of your time, your professional services or your company products.
Corporate and Service Organisations
ASDOG shares valued relationships with a range of business and community groups and is committed to supporting their products and services.
Fund raising
Community fund raising initiatives are supported and attended by ASDOG personnel and their puppies or assistance dogs where possible.
Leave a bequest
By leaving a bequest to ASDOG, after providing for family and loved ones, you can help us to continue providing trained assistance dogs into the future.